Thursday, June 10, 2010


In considering what to write about today, I began thinking about things I like, things that make me think, things I want to accomplish in my next “thirty” years and the things going on in my life right now that I think are cool.

So that I will continue to have topics to write about as I continue on this journey, I am going to break that list down and pick only one item for today. The thing is, the more I think about that list, the more it just GROWS! Not only the items underlying each main topic, but the list of topics themselves continues to grow also, including one that just occurred to me – things I am thankful for (which is a borrowed topic, from the colleague that I borrowed the whole idea from), but anyway – I give credit where credit is due! =)

Now that I have this incredible list of items to choose from – I have to decide! Wow! That may be more difficult than I anticipated. As I’ve made the list it has occurred to me, that some of the items should be reserved for specific days over the coming weeks, so I have made little notations, to the side of those with a date.

It’s funny, the more I think about the list, the more the list itself seems to be becoming the topic of today’s blog. LOL! =) Case in point, the list is now longer than this blog!

Okay so it just hit me – LISTS! We all make them for many different reasons to accomplish a variety of tasks. Where did this phenomenon start? Why do we feel the need to categorize our lives so much?

We have lists for everything! Shopping lists, to-do lists, honey-do lists, packing lists, check off lists and more… Santa has a list of naughty and nice tykes.

Even our Heavenly Father has lists. He keeps a list in the Lamb’s Book of Life consisting of the names of His children who will be admitted into Heaven. (I want to be on THAT LIST!) He provided Moses with a list of Commandment’s for us to follow. (Exodus 19:25, 20: 1-17)

Lists are and seem to have always been a part of our daily lives. It’s just something we deal with I guess. Many days I am glad for the ability to write a list – it helps keep me on track (when I remember to check and follow the lists I have written). Ha!

Lists are great! They have helped provide me with a great topic for today, one where I can even give Glory to God and reference the Word, which is nice. It has helped me with one of my goals of daily Bible Study. Now, I just need to do better about spending time with the Lord and the Word daily – I’ll add it to my list! ;-)

Have a great day ya’ll – go make your list and check things off as you get them done!!

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