Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Let the Countdown Begin

June 9, 2010


Well ya’ll it’s happened…

The countdown has begun… It is officially “Thirty Days To My Big 30!” Pray for me?!

Really, I think I will be okay. Friends have told me that I will survive this day as I have all of my other birthdays, but this one is just really freaking me out.

I guess the truth is that I’m not where I expected to be at this point in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, friends and all of the blessing of my life, but there are things that when I was younger I had expected to have accomplished by this “Milestone Birthday…”

There are many things that I had planned to have done or in place by the time I was 30 and those things are still somewhere in the wind or in the back of my mind as part of my perpetual “To-Do” list…

One of the major things that is different from my expectations, is that I fully expected my Daddy to still be here to celebrate this milestone with me. Many of the things on the afore mentioned list were things that he was supposed to be here for as well. I am blessed to still have my mother here with me for these special times and for that I am truly grateful. She is awesome and I love her dearly, but I still miss my Daddy very much and wish he was here.

So, for the next thirty days as I countdown to my Big 30, I will try to include activities that he would have enjoyed and honor his memory. As he watches from above, he will know that in my heart, he is celebrating with me during the coming month and most especially on my “big” day… I still have in a safe place a letter he wrote to me many years ago on one of my birthdays. I will carry that letter and it’s sentiment with me on this journey.

As I progress through the next thirty days I will write an entry a day (maybe two) it depends on what's going on.  I will update my facebook status with the link as a reminder to everyone, to check out my Blog!

I am excited and terrified at the same time.  God has a plan though and I just have to be patient as He walks me through His plan for my life and see what happens next.

On the days when I don't know what to write about, I will look to my daily Calendar Quotes for inspiration...

Today's quote is: " 'It's a God thing.'... As if anything isn't.  Sunrises are God things, air is a God thing, coffee is a God thing.  Chocolate, music, hot baths, great friends, autumn evenings, Dippin' Dots ice cream, cloud formations-I believe that they are all pretty much 'God things.' "

Okay, so I love that quote, because indeed - everything is a God thing.  He is what keeps us going and sets us free.  This is going to be a good month and 30 is going to be an amazing year!!!

Let's get this party started!! ;-)  Have a great day all!

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