Wednesday, June 16, 2010

God Loves Me...


Hi everyone!

Did I completely confuse and confound anyone with yesterday’s entry written today? I hope not!

I also hope that I will not make such an error again on the rest of this journey. This is an important project to me, hence the feeling of guilt for not completing and posting an entry yesterday.

Anyway, moving on!...

My horoscope on yahoo read:

“Learn to quietly (but firmly) close the doors to rooms that you aren’t coming back to - - let the past stay where it belongs. You're on the brink of something new, and there's just no need to drag the carcasses of dead and buried situations into them. Let yourself start fresh, and try to see all the possibilities of this brand-new moment. If you're embarking on a new relationship, it's crucial to stay centered in the moment.”

I really like this… It speaks of things that I need be doing - let go, move on.

Today has been a trying day, but thanks to the wisdom, love, support and guidance of my friends (Sister Sherry, Sis Kris Kris and Lil Sis Stormi), I am feeling better. Their words of guidance and encouragement mean so much to me.

All three reminded that when I am at my lowest, God is at his strongest, and that is when I should be turning to him the most. Of course, they also reminded me that I should always rely on God and give everything over to him throughout the course of my daily life, but especially when I am hurting. After all, God is the ultimate healer and comforter.
My sisters were kind enough to remind me that I am special and unique because God made me and God loves me. What more do I need? They are so right! I have the best love in the world – God’s love. And the love of good friends, who will keep me focused on the Lord and where I need to be!

Another day closer to thirty and it hits me, not only am I not where I want to be, what if I’m not where God wants me to be?! I am in so much trouble!

I used the phrase tonite, “I’m trying.” in reference to my relationship with God and knowing who I am in Him – I was reminded it is not a try situation, it is a DO or do not situation. I WANT TO DO!! I want to BE a known Child of the King!

This is not where I originally intended for this blog to go, but it felt right. It’s what was on my heart to be said.

Sister Sherry has on her blog an amazing video that is about God chiseling His child into who he is supposed to be and the child arguing with Him and providing excuses or asking God to slow down… It was soo good. It’s about a 6 minute video – but so worth watching. I was crying by the end of it. It was what I needed to see and be reminded of – God loves me and wants to turn me into the image of His son that He sent to die on the cross for my sins.

I also heard a great song tonite – my mom has been telling me about it, so I googled it. It’s sang by Amy Grant and called “Better than a Hallelujah.” It is a beautiful song! I really liked it!

I AM LOVED! God made me and He loves me – I am His masterpiece! That means I am special and beautiful and deserve to be treated as such.

Thank You God for blessing me with amazing friends and family to help guide me back to You!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I am still proud of you.

    Keep the faith! Keep positive! Keep moving forward! Keep looking to God for direction and guidance about EVERYTHING!

    And if you are feeling a bit low (because we all go through trials and valleys), talk to God. And of course, you can call me too. I'll be here to boost you up!

    Remember: Do or do not. There is no try.

    Love ya sis!
