Thirty days of Wedded Bliss…
Okay, so I didn’t meet my goal on this Blog… My apologies… Please forgive me.
It is not that I didn’t want to write about the Love of my Life and how wonderful it is being married to my sweet cowboy. I did!
However, time has seemed to not be on my side in this endeavor.
Since I did not write daily (as planned and hoped) I will now write a summary…
Our first two months of marriage have been incredibly busy with our Honeymoon, a funeral (I miss you Grandma), a dear friend’s wedding (Congratulations and I/we love you Kris Kris {And Eric Stewart}!), an awesome linen shower (Thank You Adopted “Grandma” Claudean and 8&40 Partners for this special event held during your great meeting), getting back into the swing of things at work, Church, Bible Studies, meeting great new people and making new friends and various projects around our home.
We were invited to the weddings of two very special couples, but unfortunately had conflicting obligations and were unable to attend their happy nuptial days – but we know they are now happily hitched, just as Eric and I are happily married! =) We wish all three newly married couples a lifetime of Love, Happiness and Marriages Centered on the Lord!
Eric and I have been married for almost 11 weeks now. It has been such an amazing time. It is fun to continue to learn new things about each other and grow together in our marriage as we each grow as individuals and in our relationships with our Great Lord Above who brought us together.
Everyday we are thankful to the Lord for bringing us together and we are thankful to the earthly angels that the Lord worked through to make that happen. We are blessed!
I will have to ask Eric for confirmation, but I think some of our most enjoyable time spent together is when we are preparing supper. We usually try to prepare supper together most evenings (if we are both home from work at a reasonable hour). It is fun trying new recipes and modifying our “usual” dishes to find different and tasty new flavors.
Things are not always cupcakes and roses. This is life we are talking about after all – it has its ups and downs, but I have heard it said that “it’s not the hits that matter, but rather how you take them” or some variation thereof - that could just be my interpretation of the actual quote.
Eric and I are so thankful to have each other and our family and friends that when we are faced with problems we take them to the Lord and we talk them out. Often times we will ask others to help us in prayer (Thank You My Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors!) because we know that “where two or more are gathered…” and it brings a sense of comfort to know that our “peeps” have our backs!
Over Labor Day weekend I was privileged for my sweet hubby to take me on my first official Lake Camping Trip! I have never been camping at the lake – it was AWESOME! I am very much looking forward to our next trip – it was so peaceful and so nice to just get away. I am definitely to do some more “getting away” with my hubby! Okay – minds out of the gutter people – I simply meant that it is nice to be away from the majority of civilization and just be with my hubby… (And the occasional friends we stop and see).
Anyway, I may have veered off track in this “week’s episode,” but I have a slight headache and I started this entry nearly a month ago and still haven’t posted it… I am SO BAD!
Sorry y’all!
Simply said, I love the Lord, I love My Sweet Cowboy Husband, and I love my Family and Friends!
Thank You Lord for my Blessings!
PS – What do you think about the idea of a “Weight Loss Blog?” I need to re-jump-start my weight loss efforts again…
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