Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello Readers!
Well three weeks of Baptist Health's Ultimate Fitness Challenge have been completed.  I worked through an injury and lost virtually no weight at the weigh-in on the 8th of April.
The next weigh-in is April 22nd.  I hope for better results then.
I will say when I started this journey, I expected soreness, tears and change. I have encountered all three - my trainer makes sure the workouts are not only beneficial, but intense and I have had to change my eating habits so that I am making healthier food choices on a consistent basis.  As for the tears, yep, I have broken down in the fitness center, when I was really feeling the burn and wondering "can I do this?"  Thankfully for me, my amazing husband was there with me to tell me "yes baby, you can!"
I am the blogger for my team (Black Team) in the challenge... I have been better about keeping up with that blog, than I do with this one sometimes!  I usually write on Friday after the week has been completed, but I had to turn the one for this week in early.
The blogs are posted below for your reading pleasure (beginning with the most recent).

UFC Black Team Blog Week 4 (4-16-13) (Early)
Is it Friday yet?
No?!  Okay, then that means two more workouts to go this week! I can do this.
Next Monday is another weigh-in and challenge.  Am I ready?  Not yet, but I am getting there.
I can say with absolute certainty that the number “100” has taken on a new meaning for me as I push through workouts.  Can I get an “Amen!”?  I have also found that some of the equipment we work out seems to be more evil than others – but that’s okay – they are just more challenges to be conquered.
Sometimes, it’s hard to do what I know is right concerning food choices, but I am doing my best and reminding myself that “no food tastes as good as being healthy will feel.”
My awesome trainer, AD told me that when I get tired I need to focus on a mini-goal.  So I have set one and whenever I am struggling through part of a workout (especially the elliptical - hurting and feel ready to fall off), I just say a little prayer, and conjure a mental image of accomplishing that mini-goal.  I made it 20 minutes on that machine the other day – Yay me!
This journey is a process that shows progress and with the Lord on my side I can do anything I set my mind to.  We all can! 

UFC Black Team Blog Week 3 (4-12-13)
Happy Friday!
What a week!
The weigh-in and challenge were Monday.  Congrats to all for great successes so far! Black team didn’t win the challenge – but that’s okay.  We did our best and now we know some areas to train in for improvement.  Congrats to the green team for knocking the ball out of the park!
Soreness continues, but that means muscles are being worked, strengthened and improved.  Several mantras keep repeating like a broken record in my head with “No pain No gain” being one of the most prominent ones.
Gotta work really hard all next week on food choices and work outs before the next weigh-in on the 22nd.
Be sure to support us with prayers, words of encouragement and coming to cheer us on if possible! 

UFC Black Team Blog Week 2 (4-5-13)
Are y’all praying?
I know I have been!  It’s Friday!  And that means week two of the challenge is complete!  A round of applause please?!  I for one am incredibly proud of myself and the other contestants.  This week has not been easy, but sometimes the most important things in life are not easy to achieve and this goal is certainly important!  Monday is the second weigh-in and challenge.  I am nervous.  I want to see a pay-off from all of my hard work, but I know that whatever that scale shows, I have been doing my best and that is what matters.  I also know – it’s time to kick up a notch… I am going to really start working on my food intake and clean up what I eat – it’s not about “dieting” – it’s about making healthy food choices.  I am going to slightly modify a great quote I have heard – “Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels!”
Let’s do this thing! J

UFC Black Team Blog Week 1 (3-29-13)
The UFC Spring 2013 Kick-Off was held Monday, 3/25/13 and wow!, what an hour it was.  I think the weigh-in was a bit daunting for all of us, but I for one am glad we are underway.
The first challenge was indeed a challenge!  I don’t think any of us will ever look at water in the same way again – but huge kudos, to my teammate, Megan who took on the first challenge and won it with flying colors, lasting five minutes with those glasses of water!  You go girl!
Our first work-out with the Black Team Trainer, AD Abston, was Monday evening and let me just say - wow! – what a work out!  Oh wait, I’m sorry that should say, OW! – what a work out! J
This is going to be quite a journey; I can already feel that much.  But it is one that my teammate, Megan and I are very excited about.
What is that old saying??  “No Pain No Gain.”  Well in our case, it’s going to be “No Pain No Loss.”  We are going to push through the pain and come out lighter and feeling healthier and ready to take on the world!
Workout numbers two and three were successful as well.  AD makes us “feel the burn,” but that’s okay because he alternates the muscle groups that get worked out.  So while our legs felt like Jell-O on Monday, they were given a bit of a break, to allow for our arms to be worked out on Wednesday.  The third workout on Thursday was all about Cardio and a total body workout.  That’s the way it’s done! 
If you know us (and even if you don’t) please keep us in your prayers and be sure to give us a word of encouragement as you see us sweating it out in the fitness center.  (Because you never know – there could be a few tears mixed in with that sweat!) 

As I continue on this journey,  your prayers, tips & suggestions and support are greatly appreciated.
Have a blessed day! :-)